FOTO by Marcus Cyron of a statue of Persephone, GNU Free Documentation License. File:Throning goddess Antikensammlung Berlin Sk1761 (2).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Ækáti - (Hecate; Gr. Ἑκάτη, ΕΚΑΤΗ) sometimes she is called by this name, or equated to this Goddess.
Ænódios - (enodius; Gr. ἐνόδιος, ΕΝΟΔΙΟΣ) by the way-side or at cross-roads, for it was at these places that statues of her and Ækáti would be found.
Æratoplókamos - (eratoplocamus; Gr. ἐρατοπλόκαμος, ΕΡΑΤΟΠΛΟΚΑΜΟΣ) she who has lovely locks of hair. Orphic Hymn 29.5.
Agní - (hagni; Gr. ἁγνή, ΑΓΝΗ, fem. of ἁγνός.) holy, pure.
Ánassa - (Gr. ἄνασσα, ΑΝΑΣΣΑ) queen. Orphic Hymn 29.20.
Anthæsphória - (Anthesphoria; Gr. Ἀνθεσφόρια, ΑΝΘΕΣΦΟΡΙΑ. Etym. ἄνθη "blossoms, flowers.") derived from her festival in Sicily of the same name in honor of her abduction while gathering flowers.
Biodotis - See Viodóhtis.
Brimo - See Vrimóh.
Cabiria - See Kaveiria.
Carpophora - See Karpophóra.
Cedne - See Kædní.
Ceroessa - See Kæróæssa.
Chthonia - See Khthónia.
Core - See Kóri.
Creirwy - her name among the Druids of Britain.
Dadoukhos - (daduchus; Gr. δᾳδοῦχος, ΔΑΔΟΥΧΟΣ. Δᾳδοῦχος is a noun sg. masc. nom.; δᾳδοῦχε is a noun sg. masc. voc., but both forms used for Ἄρτεμις and Κόρη.) torch-bearer:
Daduchus - See Dadoukhos.
Dǽspina - (despoina; Gr. δέσποινα, ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ, fem. of δεσπότης) mistress, princess, queen.
Dáeira - (Gr. δάειρα, ΔΑΕΙΡΑ) she who knows.
Daughter - See Kóri.
Daughter of mighty Zefs - (θυγάτηρ μεγάλου Διός, ΘΥΓΑΤΗΡ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΔΙΟΣ) Orphic Hymn 29.1.
Daughter swelling with fruits - (κόρη καρποῖσι βρύουσα, ΚΟΡΗ ΚΑΡΤΟΙΣΙ ΒΡΥΟΥΣΑ) Orphic Hymn 29.10
Deoïne - See Dioíni.
Despoina - See Dǽspina.
Dioíni - (Deoïne; Gr. Δηωΐνη, ΔΗΩΙΝΗ) daughter of Demeter, Call.Fr.48.
Efængís - (euphenges; Gr. εὐφεγγής, ΕΥΦΕΓΓΗΣ) bright. Orphic Hymn 29.11.
Enodios - See Ænódios.
Eratoplocamus - See Æratoplókamos.
Euphenges - See Efængís.
Fire of Zefs - See Pyr Diós.
Karpophóra - (carpophora; Gr. καρποφόρα, ΚΑΡΠΟΦΟΡΑ. Etym. καρπός "fruit.") fruit-bearer.
Kaveiria - (Cabiria; Gr. Καβείρια, ΚΑΒΕΙΡΙΑ) of the Káveiri (Κάβειροι), khthonic deities connected with the Mysteries.
Kædní - (cedne; Gr. κεδνή, ΚΕΔΝΗ) noble and trustworthy. Orphic Hymn 29.3.
Kæróæssa - (ceroessa; Gr. κερόεσσα, ΚΕΡΟΕΣΣΑ. Fem. of κερόεις.) horned. Orphic Hymn 29.11.
Khthónia - (chthonia; Gr. χθόνια, ΧΘΟΝΙΑ) terrestrial, earthy. The term khthonic refers to the surface of the earth. Khthonic does not refer to what is under the earth which is referred to by the term ypokhthonic (ὑποχθόνιος). Consequently, when it is said that Pærsæphóni reigns with Ploutohn, she is the Queen of the Earth with all its magnificent verdure. She is queen of the mortals who will be buried under the earth.
Kore - See Kóri.
Kóri - (Core or Kore; Gr. Κόρη, ΚΟΡΗ) the girl or maiden, daughter. In ancient times, and even in modern Greek, the word κόρη may be used in these ways. There is another meaning to Kóri means all these things. Pærsæphóni is the Daughter. You can also talk of the Kóri as a particular type of deity; the Kóri is the one who comes to help, the God who returns to earth to assist mankind and all the creation.
Lǽptynis - (Leptynis; Gr. Λέπτυνις, ΛΕΠΤΥΝΙΣ) name for Persephone of uncertain meaning, Lyc.49.
Leptynis - See Lǽptynis.
Llywy - a name for her among the Druids.
Mægála Thæá - (Megala Thea; Gr. Μεγάλα Θεά, ΜΕΓΑΛΑ ΘΕΑ. Etym. μέγας "great, big" + Θεά "Goddess.") Great Goddess.
Mákaira - (Gr. μάκαιρα, ΜΑΚΑΙΡΑ. Fem. of μάκαρ.) blessed, happy, an epithet which may be used for all Goddesses.
Megala Thea - See Mægála Thæá.
Mother of Evmænídæs (Εὐμενίδες) - (Εὐμενίδων γενέτειρα, ΕΥΜΕΝΙΔΩΝ ΥΕΝΕΤΕΙΡΑ) Orphic Hymn 29.6.
Mother of Evvouléfs (Εὐβουλεύς [Diónysos]) - (μῆτερ Εὐβουλῆος, ΜΗΤΕΡ ΕΥΒΟΥΛΗΟΣ) Orphic Hymn 29.
Nyctipolus - See Nyktipólos.
Nyktipólos - (nyctipolus; Gr. νυκτιπόλος, ΝΥΚΤΙΠΟΛΟΣ) roaming, by night. It should be understood that night in ancient Greek mythology is one of the great keys; night refers to an area of which is unknown or irrational. Night, as a key, does not mean actual darkness or evil, since all the Gods are beings of great light, but rather it refers to a hidden nature.
Obrimo - See Ovrímo.
Ovrímo - (obrimo; Gr. ὀβρίμῳ, ΟΒΡΙΜΩΙ, a form of ὄβριμος, usually dative but sometimes nominative fem.) strong, doughty.
Pærsǽphassa - (Persephassa; Gr. Περσέφασσα, ΠΕΡΣΕΦΑΣΣΑ) another name form Pærsæphóni.
Pærsæphóni - (Persephone; Gr. Περσεφόνη, ΠΕΡΣΕΦΟΝΗ. Pronounced: payr-say-FOH'-nee) her most commonly used name.
Pærsæphónia - (Persephonia; Gr. Περσεφόνεια, ΠΕΡΣΕΦΟΝΕΙΑ) another name for Pærsæphóni.
Pamvasíleia - (pambasileia; Gr. παμβασίλεια, ΠΑΜΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ) queen of all.
Pandokráteira - (pantocrateira; Gr. παντοκράτειρα, ΠΑΝΤΟΚΡΑΤΕΙΡΑ. Fem. of παντοκράτωρ.) almighty. Orphic Hymn 29.10.
Pantocrateira - See Pandokráteira.
Persephassa - See Pærsǽphassa.
Persephone - See Pærsæphóni.
Persephonia - See Pærsæphónia.
Phærrǽphatta - (Pherrephatta; Gr. Φερρέφαττα, ΦΕΡΡΕΦΑΤΤΑ. Pronounced: fay-RAY-fah-tah.) a name of Pærsæphóni.
- "With respect to the names Φερρεϕαττα, or Proserpine, and Apollo, many are terrified at them, through unskilfulness as it appears in the rectitude of names. And indeed, changing the first of these names, they consider Φερσεϕονη; and this appears to them as something terrible and dire. But the other name, Φερρεϕαττα, signifies that this Goddess is wise: for that which is able to touch upon, handle, and pursue things which are borne along, will be wisdom. This Goddess therefore may, with great propriety, be named Φερεπαϕα, or something of this kind, on account of her wisdom, and contact of that which is borne along: and hence the wise Ἅιδης (Hades), Pluto, associates with her, because of these characteristics of her nature. But men of the present times neglect this name, valuing good pronunciation more than truth; and on this account they call her Φερρεϕαττα." (Πλάτων Κρατύλος 404c-d; trans. Thomas Taylor, 1804.)
Phærsǽphassa - (Phersephassa; Gr. Φερσέφασσα, ΦΕΡΣΕΦΑΣΣΑ) a name of Pærsæphóni.
Phærsǽphatta - (Phersephatta; Gr. Φερσέφαττα, ΦΕΡΣΕΦΑΤΤΑ) a name of Pærsæphóni.
Phærsæphóni - (Pheresephone; Gr. Φερσεφόνη, ΦΕΡΣΕΦΟΝΗ) a name of Pærsæphóni.
Pherephata - See Phærrǽphatta.
Pheresephone - See Phærsæphóni.
Pherrephatta - See Phærrǽphatta.
Phersephassa - See Phærsǽphassa.
Phersephatta - See Phærsǽphatta.
Phersipnai - Etruscan name for Pærsæphóni.
Phersipnei - Etruscan name for Pærsæphóni.
Playmate of the Órai (Ὧραι [The Seasons]) - (Ὡρῶν συμπαίκτειρα, ΟΡΩΝ ΣΥΜΠΑΙΚΤΕΡΙΑ) Orphic Hymn 29.9.
Pótnia - (Gr. πότνια, ΠΟΤΝΙΑ. Noun. = δέσποινα.) mistress, queen.
Potheiní - (potheine; Gr. ποθεινή, ΠΟΘΕΙΝΗ) beloved. Orphic Hymn 29.11.
Praxidíki - (praxidice; Gr. πραξιδίκη, ΠΡΑΞΙΔΙΚΗ) she who exacts retribution for injustice.
Prohtogóni - (protogone; Gr. πρωτογόνη, ΠΡΩΤΟΓΟΝΗ. Adjective. Fem. form of πρωτόγονος.) first-born.
Proserpina [Lat.] or Proserpine [Anglicized] - (Roman) Latinized form of Pærsæphóni (Persephone).
Proserpine - See Proserpina.
Proserpnai - Etruscan name for Pærsæphóni.
Protogone - See Prohtogóni.
Pyr Diós - (Gr. Πῦρ Διός, ΠΥΡ ΔΙΟΣ) Fire of Zefs.
Pyrphóros - (pyrphorus; Gr. πυρφόρος, ΠΥΡΦΟΡΟΣ) fire-bearer. Pærsæphóni is the fire of Zefs which transforms the soul.
Pyrphorus - See Pyrphóros.
Queen of the Underworld - (καταχθονίων βασίλεια, ΚΑΤΑΧΘΟΝΙΩΝ) Orphic Hymn 29.6.
Sæmní - (semne; Gr. σεμνή, ΣΕΜΝΗ. σεμνός is masculine; σεμνή is feminine.) holy, revered. Orphic Hymn 29.10.
Scion of Dimítir, Pure - (Δηοῦς θάλος ἁγνόν, ΔΗΟΥΣ ΘΑΛΟΣ ΑΓΝΟΝ) Orphic Hymn 29.5.
Semne - See Sæmní.
Sóhteira - (soteira; Gr. σώτειρα, ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ) savioress, deliverer, she who helps.
Sole child of Dimítir - (μουνογένεια Θεά, ΜΟΥΝΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ ΘΕΑ) lit. "only born of the Goddess." Orphic Hymn 29.2.
Soteira - See Sóhteira.
Tergemina - (Lat.) tri-formed; under these appellations Pærsæphóni is equated with Ártæmis.
Triformis - (Lat.) tri-formed; under these appellations Pærsæphóni is equated with Ártæmis.
Viodóhtis - (biodotis; Gr. βιοδῶτις, ΒΙΟΔΩΤΙΣ. Noun. Fem. of βιοδώτης and βιοδότης.) life-giving. Orphic Hymn 29.3.
Vrimóh - (brimo; Gr. βριμώ, ΒΡΙΜΩ) The epithet is usually interpreted as meaning something like the terrible one or the angry one, but perhaps it is actually derived from βριμάζω, roaring like a lion.
Wife of Ploutohn, Much-revered - (Πλούτωνος πολύτιμε δάμαρ, ΠΛΟΥΤΩΝΟΣ ΠΟΛΥΤΙΜΕ ΔΑΜΑΡ) Orphic Hymn 29.3.
The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Rhapsodic Theogony.
We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.
Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.
Introduction to the Thæí (the Gods): The Nature of the Gods.
How do we know there are Gods? Experiencing Gods.
The logo to the left is the principal symbol of this website. It is called the CESS logo, i.e. the Children of the Earth and the Starry Sky. The Pætilía (Petelia, Πετηλία) and other golden tablets having this phrase (Γῆς παῖς εἰμί καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος) are the inspiration for the symbol. The image represents this idea: Earth (divisible substance) and the Sky (continuous substance) are the two kozmogonic substances. The twelve stars represent the Natural Laws, the dominions of the Olympian Gods. In front of these symbols is the seven-stringed kithára (cithara, κιθάρα), the lyre of Apóllohn (Apollo, Ἀπόλλων). It (here) represents the bond between Gods and mortals and is representative that we are the children of Orphéfs (Orpheus, Ὀρφεύς).
PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the pages of this website, you will find fascinating stories about our Gods. These narratives are known as mythology, the traditional stories of the Gods and Heroes. While these tales are great mystical vehicles containing transcendent truth, they are symbolic and should not be taken literally. A literal reading will frequently yield an erroneous result. The meaning of the myths is concealed in code. To understand them requires a key. For instance, when a God kills someone, this usually means a transformation of the soul to a higher level. Similarly, sexual union with a God is a transformation.
The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Rhapsodic Theogony.
We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.
Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.
SPELLING: uses the Reuchlinian method of pronouncing ancient Greek, the system preferred by scholars from Greece itself. An approach was developed to enable the student to easily approximate the Greek words. Consequently, the way we spell words is unique, as this method of transliteration is exclusive to this website. For more information, visit these three pages:
Pronunciation of Ancient Greek
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