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This list of titles of the Goddess Athiná (Athena, Ἀθηνᾶ) includes all of the epithets found in Orphic Hymn 32 and more, gathered from various sources. The transliteration method used in this list is Reuchlinian and unique to this website where the emphasis is primarily on pronunciation, but to avoid confusion there are separate entries using the more familiar Erasmian spellings found in English and American universities.

Aeolomorphus – See Aiolómorphos.

Ærgáni - (Ergane; Gr. ἐργάνη, ΕΡΓΑΝΗ) the worker, in that she is the administrator and instructor of the arts of every kind.

Ageleia - See Ayæleia.

Aglaótimos - (aglaotimus; Gr. ἀγλαότιμος, ΑΓΛΑΟΤΙΜΟΣ) splendidly honored. (Orphic Hymn 32.11)

Aglaotimus – See Aglaótimos.

Aiolómorphos - (aeolomorphus; Gr. αἰολόμορφος, ΑΙΟΛΟΜΟΡΦΟΣ) capable of changing her form. (Orphic Hymn 32.11)

Ánassa - (Gr. ἄνασσα, ΑΝΑΣΣΑ) queen, lady.

Antrodiaetus – See Antrodíaitos.

Antrodíaitos - (antrodiaetus; Gr. ἀντροδίαιτος, ΑΝΤΡΟΔΙΑΙΤΟΣ) cave-dwelling. (Orphic Hymn 32.3)

Arretus – See Árritos.

Árritos - (arretus; Gr. ἄρρητος, ΑΡΡΗΤΟΣ) In the Orphic hymn to Athiná, the Goddess is described as árritos, unspoken, ineffable (but she is also ritós, "known," "spoken of," "famous," as stated just after this in the hymn). (Orphic Hymn 32.3)

Ayæleia - (ageleia; Gr. ἀγελεία, ΑΓΕΛΕΙΑ. Etym. ἀγέλη in Ὅμηρος (Homer) oxen or kine.) protector of the oxen or kine (Ἰλιάς 6.269). Ayæleia is the mystical number seven (Ἰάμβλιχος [?] θεολογούμενα αριθμητικά 42.30), which is the number of the Natural Law over which Athiná has governance.

Basileia - See Vasíleia.

Bulaea - See Voulaia.

Cleiduchus – See Kleidoukhos.

Core – See Kóri.

Cydre - See Kydrí.

Destroyer of the Phlægraiohn Giants - (Φλεγραίων ὀλέτειρα Γιγάντων, ΦΛΕΓΡΑΙΩΝ ΟΛΕΤΕΙΡΑ ΓΙΓΑΝΤΩΝ) Athiná is destroyer (ὀλέτειρα being the feminine of ὀλετήρ) of the Phlægraiohn (Phlegraean) Giants. (Orphic Hymn 32.12)

Día - (Gr. δῖα, ΔΙΑ) Athiná is día, heavenly. (Orphic Hymn 32.2)

Diactorus – See Diáktoros.

Diáktoros - (diactorus; Gr. διάκτορος, ΔΙΑΚΤΟΡΟΣ) servant, attendant, messenger.

Dracaena – See Drákaina.

Drákaina - (dracaena; Gr. δράκαινα, ΔΡΑΚΑΙΝΑ) she-dragon. (Orphic Hymn 32.11)

Ergane – See Ærgáni.

Euresitechnus – See Evræsítækhnos.

Evræsítækhnos - (euresitechnus; Gr. εὑρεσίτεχνος, ΕΥΡΕΣΙΤΕΧΝΟΣ) inventor of the arts. (Orphic Hymn 32.17)

Glafkóhpis - (Glaucopis; Gr. γλαυκώπις, ΓΛΑΥΚΩΠΙΣ) owl-eyed, with gleaming eyes. Glafs can mean “owl,” as the owl has large eyes like a moon, Glafkóh (Gr. Γλαυκώ) being a name of the moon. Glafkós (Gr. γλαυκός) refers to the blue-gray color of the olive and the sea, her eyes said to be this color. This epithet includes her association with the owl, who travels through the Middle Sky, and also her association with the sea, the Fire-Aithír (Aether; Gr. Αἰθήρ). (Orphic Hymn 32.17)

Glaucopis – See Glafkóhpis.

Gorgophónos - (Gorgophonus; Gr. Γοργοφόνος, ΓΟΡΓΟΦΟΝΟΣ) the slayer of the Gorgóh (Gorgon; Gr. Γοργώ). (Orphic Hymn 32.8)

Gorgophonus – See Gorgophónos.

Gymnasousa Kore – See Yimnásousa Kóri.

Hippelateira – See Ippæláteira.

Hippius – See Íppios.

Hoplochares - See Oplokharís.

Hoplophorus – See Oplophóros.

Hormasteira – See Ormásteira.

Ippæláteira - (hippelateira; Gr. ἱππελάτειρα, ΙΠΠΕΛΑΤΕΙΡΑ) driver of horses. (Orphic Hymn 32.12)

Íppios - (hippius; Gr. ἵππιος, ÍΠΠΙΟΣ) – of the horses.

Kleidoukhos - (cleiduchus; Gr. Κλείδουχος, ΚΛΕΙΔΟΥΧΟΣ) she who holds the keys, tutelary Goddess.

Kóri - (Core; Gr. Κόρη, ΚΟΡΗ) maiden; of maiden-Goddesses.

Kydrí - (cydre; Gr. κυδρή, ΚΥΔΡΗ, fem. of κυδρός) glorious, illustrious, noble.

Lyteira cacon – See Lýteira kakóhn.

Lýteira kakóhn - (lyteira cacon; Gr. λύτειρα κακῶν, ΛΥΤΕΙΡΑ ΚΑΚΩΝ) deliverer from vice and wickedness. (Orphic Hymn 32.13)

Macaera - See Mákaira.

Mákaira - (macaera; Gr. μάκαιρα, ΜΑΚΑΙΡΑ; fem. of μάκαρ.) blessed. (Orphic Hymn 32.2)

Mægalóhnimos - (megalonimus; Gr. μεγαλώνυμος, ΜΕΓΑΛΩΝΥΜΟΣ) the mighty Goddess with a great name, who gives glory to those whom she favors because of their virtue. (Orphic Hymn 32.3)

Megalonimus – See Mægalóhnimos.

Menerva - Menerva is an Etruscan name for Athiná.

Menrva - Menrva is an Etruscan name for Athiná.

Meter Techne – See Mítir Tǽkhni.

Mítir Tǽkhni - (Meter Techne; Gr. Μήτηρ Τέχνη, ΜΗΤΗΡ ΤΕΧΝΗ) Mother of the Arts. (Orphic Hymn 32.8)

Mounoyænís - (Munogenes; Gr. μουνογενής, ΜΟΥΝΟΓΕΝΗΣ) only-begotten. (Orphic Hymn 32.1)

Munogenes – See Mounoyænís.

Nikephorus Daemon – See Nikíphoros Daimohn.

Nikíphoros Daimohn - (Nikephorus Daemon; Gr. Νικήφορος Δαίμων, ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΣ ΔΑΙΜΩΝ) victorious divinity. (Orphic Hymn 32.13)

Obrimopatre - See Ovrimopátri.

Ombrimothymus – See Omvrimóthymos.

Omvrimóthymos - (ombrimothymus; Gr. ὀμβριμόθυμος, ΟΜΒΡΙΜΟΘΥΜΟΣ) strong of spirit. (Orphic Hymn 32.2)

Oplokharís - (hoplochares; Gr. ὁπλοχαρής, ΟΠΛΟΧΑΡΗΣ) delighting in arms. (Orphic Hymn 32.6)

Oplophóros - (hoplophorus; Gr. ὁπλοφόρος, ΟΠΛΟΦΟΡΟΣ. Adj.) armed, warrior.

Ormásteira - (hormasteira; Gr. ὁρμάστειρα, ΟΡΜΑΣΤΕΙΡΑ) she who urges you forward. (Orphic Hymn 32.9)

Ovrimopátri - (obrimopatre; Gr. ὀβριμοπάτρη, ΟΒΡΙΜΟΠΑΤΡΗ) daughter of a mighty father (Ἰλιάς 5.747)

Pallás - (Gr. Παλλάς. ΠΑΛΛΑΣ) Athiná is known as Pallás (Orphic Hymn 32.1). According to Orphic fragment 35, Athiná is called Pallás from the palpitating (Gr. πάλλεσθαι from πάλειν, πάλλω, "shaking") heart of Zagréfs (Zagreus; Gr. Ζαγρεύς) which she rescued after the Titans cut up the little God. See also Κρατύλος Πλάτωνος 407a.

Pancrates - See Pangkratís.

Pangkratís - (pancrates; Gr. παγκρατής, ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΗΣ. Adj.) all-powerful.

Philǽnthæos - (philentheos; Gr. φιλένθεος, ΦΙΛΕΝΘΕΟΣ) filled with divine influence. (Orphic Hymn 32.11)

Philentheos – See Philǽnthæos.

Phygodǽmnios - (phygodemnios; Gr. φυγοδέμνιος, ΦΥΓΟΔΕΜΝΙΟΣ = φυγόλεκτρος.) despising the bed of marriage. Cf. Phygólæktros.

Phygodemnios – See Phygodǽmnios.

Phygólæktros - (phygolectros; Gr. φυγόλεκτρος, ΦΥΓΟΛΕΚΤΡΟΣ = φυγοδέμνιος) shunning the wedding bed, i.e. is a virgin. (Orphic Hymn 32.8) Cf. Phygodǽmnios.

Phygolectros – See Phygólæktros.

Philopolæmikós - (Philopolemic; Gr. Φιλοπολεμικός, ΦΙΛΟΠΟΛΕΜΙΚΟΣ) lover of war, for she defends the city.

Philopolemic – See Philopolæmikós.

Polæmitókos - (polemetocus; Gr. πολεμητόκος, ΠΟΛΕΜΗΤΟΚΟΣ) she who brings forth (necessary) war. (Orphic Hymn 32.10)

Polæmóklonos - (polemoclonus; Gr. πολεμόκλονος, ΠΟΛΕΜΟΚΛΟΝΟΣ) she raises the clamor of war. (Orphic Hymn 32.2)

Polemetocus – See Polæmitókos.

Polemoclonus – See Polæmóklonos.

Polybulus – See Polývoulos.

Polýllistos - (polyllistus; Gr. πολύλλιστος, ΠΟΛΥΛΛΙΣΤΟΣ) sought with many prayers. (Orphic Hymn 32.17)

Polyllistus – See Polýllistos.

Polývoulos - (Polybulus; Gr. πολύβουλος, ΠΟΛΥΒΟΥΛΟΣ) of many wise counselings, exceeding wise.

Rete - See Rití.

Retos – See Rití.

Rití - (retos; Gr. ῥητή, ΡΗΤΗ, fem. of ῥητός.) In the Orphic hymn to Athiná, the Goddess is described as rití, spoken of, known, famous (but she is also árritos, "unspoken," "ineffable," as stated just before in the hymn). (Orphic Hymn 32.3)

Sæmní - (semne; Gr. σεμνή, ΣΕΜΝΗ. σεμνός is masculine; σεμνή is feminine.) holy, august.

Semne - See Sæmní.

Sóhteira - (Soteira; Gr. σώτειρα, ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ) savioress, deliverer.

Soteira – See Sóhteira.

Tritogeneia – See Tritoyǽneia.

Tritoyǽneia - (Tritogeneia; Gr. Τριτογένεια). (Orphic Hymn 32.13) Tritoyǽneia is an epithet of the Goddess of uncertain meaning. By some accounts, Athiná was born near Lake Triton (Τριτωνίς) in Livýï (Libya; Gr. Λιβύη), or the stream named Trítôn (Triton; Gr. Τρίτων) in Viôtía (Boeotia; Gr. Βοιωτία), hence "Triton-born." Other suggestions are "Third-born," or from the Athamanian dialect tritô meaning "head," thus, born from the head of Zefs.

Vasíleia - (Basileia; Gr. βασίλεια, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ) queen. (Orphic Hymn 32.17)

Voulaia - (Bulaea; Gr. βουλαία, ΒΟΥΛΑΙΑ) of the council (βουλή), she being honored with a statue in the chamber of the council.

Xanthe – See Xanthí.

Xanthí - (xanthe; Gr. ξανθή, ΞΑΝΘΗ; fem. of ξανθός.) The hair of Goddess Athiná is said to be xanthí, yellow or golden, like the grain.

Yimnásousa Kóri - (gymnasousa kore; Gr. γυμνάζουσα κόρη, ΓΥΜΝΑΖΟΥΣΑ ΚΟΡΗ) athletic maiden. (Orphic Hymn 32.7)

The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Theogony.

We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.

Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.

Introduction to the Thæí (the Gods): The Nature of the Gods.

How do we know there are Gods? Experiencing Gods.

This logo is the principal symbol of this website. It is called the CESS logo, i.e. the Children of the Earth and the Starry Sky. The Pætilía (Petelia, Πετηλία) and other golden tablets having this phrase (Γῆς παῖς εἰμί καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος) are the inspiration for the symbol. The image represents this idea: Earth (divisible substance) and the Sky (continuous substance) are the two kozmogonic substances. The twelve stars represent the Natural Laws, the dominions of the Olympian Gods. In front of these symbols is the seven-stringed kithára (cithara, κιθάρα), the lyre of Apóllôn (Apollo, Ἀπόλλων). It (here) represents the bond between Gods and mortals and is representative that we are the children of Orphéfs (Orpheus, Ὀρφεύς).

PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the pages of this website, you will find fascinating stories about our Gods. These narratives are known as mythology , the traditional stories of the Gods and Heroes. While these tales are great mystical vehicles containing transcendent truth, they are symbolic and should not be taken literally. A literal reading will frequently yield an erroneous result. The meaning of the myths is concealed in code. To understand them requires a key. For instance, when a God kills someone, this usually means a transformation of the soul to a higher level. Similarly, sexual union with a God is a transformation.

The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Theogony.

We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.

Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.

SPELLING: uses the Reuchlinian method of pronouncing ancient Greek, the system preferred by scholars from Greece itself. An approach was developed to enable the student to easily approximate the Greek words. Consequently, the way we spell words is unique, as this method of transliteration is exclusive to this website. For more information, visit these three pages:

Pronunciation of Ancient Greek

Transliteration of Ancient Greek

Pronouncing the Names of the Gods in Hellenismos

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