

Among the epithets applied to Zeus by Homer and Virgil, are (as compiled in A Classical Manual, 1833*):

The Thunderer, Ἰλιάς 1.464.

Cloud-compelling Zeus, Ἰλιάς 1.517.

Sire of Gods, Ἰλιάς 1.554.

Sire of Gods and men, Ἰλιάς 1.666.

Majesty of heaven, Ἰλιάς 1.693.

Austere Kronios, Ἰλιάς 1.714.

Supreme of Gods, Ἰλιάς 2.491.

Ominpotence of heaven, Ἰλιάς 2.521.

Avenging God, Ἰλιάς 2.955.

Inviolable king, Ἰλιάς 3.144.

Eternal Zeus, Ἰλιάς 3.348.

Monarch of the sky, Ἰλιάς 4.95.

He who shakes Olympus with his nod, Ἰλιάς 5.1108.

The almighty power, Ἰλιάς 6.320.

Imperial Zeus, Ἰλιάς 7.230.

Heaven's great Father, Ἰλιάς 8.293.

Panomphæan Zeus, Ἰλιάς 8.300.

The Olympian sire, Ἰλιάς 8.401.

Pelasgic, Dodonæan Zeus, Ἰλιάς 16.285.

Ethereal king, Ὀδύσσεια 11.76.

Feretrian, Aeneis 6.1187.

Idæan, Aeneis 7.189.

Eternal energy, Aeneis 10.26

Abretanus - See Avrættinós.

Abrettênus - See Avrættînós.

Acraeus - See Akraios.

Ægiochus - See Aiyíokhos.

Aegyptius - See Aiyύptios.

Ækáleios - (Hecaleius; Gr. Ἑκάλειος, ΕΚΑΛΕΙΟΣ. Adj. = Ἑκαλήσιος) Ἑκάλειος is an epithet of Zefs, from Ækálî (Hekalê, Ἑκάλη), the name of an old woman who treated Thiséfs (Theseus, Θησεύς) sweetly and kindly and gave him shelter on his way to capture the Krîs Távros (Cretan Bull, Κρὴς ταῦρος). If he was successful in his task, she promised to sacrifice to Zefs. Thiséfs indeed succeeded, but when he returned, the woman had died. Because the people of the surrounding districts knew this story, they made sacrifice to Zefs Ækáleios at the festival named in the woman's honor, the Ækalísia (Hekalêsia, Ἑκαλήσια). (βίος Θησέως Πλουτάρχου 14)

Ækalîsios - (Hecalêsius; Gr. Ἑκαλήσιος, ΕΚΑΛΗΣΙΟΣ, Adj. = Ἑκάλειος) See Ækáleios.

Ækatómvaios - (hecatombaeus; Gr. ἑκατόμβαιος, ΕΚΑΤΟΜΒΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) he to whom ækatómvai (hecatombs, ἑκατόμβαι) were offered (Etymologicum Magnum 321.7). An ἑκατόμβη is the offering of a hundred oxen.

Ælefsínios - (Eleusinios; Gr. Ἐλευσίνιος, ΕΛΕΥΣΙΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) of Ælefsís (Eleusis, Ἐλευσίς); epith. of Zefs in Ionia. (Ἡσύχιος)

Ælefthǽrios - (eleutherius, Gr. ἐλευθέριος, ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) the deliverer, liberator. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 3.142.2)

Ællanían - (Hellanian; Gr. Ἑλλανίαν, ΕΛΛΑΝΙΑΝ. Adj.) Hellenic. "ὦ Διὸς Ἑλλανίου φαεννὸν ἄστρον - O shining star of Hellenic Zefs" (Παιών ϝ (ἀτελήςΔελφοῖς εις Πυθῶ Πινδάρου 125)

Ællínios - (Hellênius; Gr. Ἑλλήνιος, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) of the Greeks. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 9.7A.2)

Ǽndændros - (endendros; Gr. ἔνδενδρος, ΕΝΔΕΝΔΡΟΣ) in the trees, epithet of Zefs in Viôtía (Boeotia, Βοιωτία) (Ήσύχιος). Name of Zefs probably from his temples being often surrounded with trees or thick groves. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Aenêsius - See Ainîsiós.

Æpháptôr - (Ephaptôr; Gr. Ἐφάπτὡρ, ΕΦΑΠΤΩΡ. Noun.) by whose touch he begets a man, because Zefs touched Ióh (Io, Ἰώ) and in doing so begat Ǽpaphos (Epaphos, Ἔπαφος). (Ἱκέτιδες Αἰσχύλου 312)

Æpidóhtîs - (epidotês; Gr. ἐπιδώτης, ΕΠΙΔΩΤΗΣ. Noun.) the bountiful one, expressive of the liberality of Zefs, his name at Mantinea. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδίας 9.2)

Æpiphanís - (epiphanês; Gr. ἐπιφανής, ΕΠΙΦΑΝΗΣ. Adj.) illustrious, appearing; name of Zefs, expressive of appearance. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Æpirnýtios - (Epirnutius; Gr. ἐπιρνύτιος, ΕΠΙΡΝΥΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) one of the names of Zefs (Ἡσύχιος) in Kríti (Crete, Κρήτη). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Æpístios - (epistius; Gr. ἐπίστιος, ΕΠΙΣΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) he who presides over hearths and hospitality. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 1.44) Cf. Xǽnios.

Ærivræmǽtîs - (eribremetês; Gr. ἐριβρεμέτης, ΕΡΙΒΡΕΜΕΤΗΣ. Noun.) loud-thundering. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου13.624)

Ærkeios - (Herceus; Gr. Ἑρκεῖος, ΕΡΚΕΙΟΣ. Adj.) of the front court, Zefs invoked as a household God under this title. (Ὀδύσσεια Ὁμήρου 22.335)

Ærígdoupos - (erigdupus; Gr. ἐρίγδουπος, ΕΡΙΓΔΟΥΠΟΣ. Adj.) thundering. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 5.672)

Ærmônthítîs - (Hermonthitês; Gr. Ἑρμωνθίτης, ΕΡΜΩΝΘΙΤΗΣ) name of Zefs at Ǽrmônthis (Hermonthis, Ἕρμωνθις) in Egypt. (Ἐθνικά Στεφάνου Βυζαντίου § E278.17)

Ǽrôs - (Erôs; Gr. Ἔρως, ΕΡΩΣ. Noun.) In Orphic literature, Zefs is sometimes called Ἔρως. (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 9)

Ǽrros - (Erros; Gr. Ἔρρος, ΕΡΡΟΣ. Noun. = ὁ Ζεύς [Ἡσύχιος]. Noun.) Ǽrros is Zefs.

Aethêr - See Aithír.

Aethiops - See Aithíops.

Aetnaeus - See Aitnaios.

Æxakæstírios - (exakestêrius; Gr. ἐξακεστήριος, ΕΞΑΚΕΣΤΗΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) alleviating evil. (The Law of Sólôn [Σόλων] quoted in Pollianus Epigrammaticus 8.142)

Afxîtís - (auxêtês; Gr. αὐξητής, ΑΥΞΗΤΗΣ. Noun.) increaser (Orph.H.11.11, Orph.H.15.8.)

Agêtôr - See Ayítôr.

Agoraeus - See Agoraios.

Agoraios - (agoraeus; Gr. ἀγοραῖος, ΑΓΟΡΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) guardian of public assemblies and public places. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 5.46)

Agnós - (hagnos; Gr. ἁγνός, ΑΓΝΟΣ. Adj.) pure, chaste, holy. (Ἱκέτιδες Αἰσχύλου 653)

Agoraeus - See Agoraios.

Aigiochus - See Aiyíokhos.

Ainîsiós - (Aenêsius; Gr. Αἰνησιός, ΑΙΝΗΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his temple on Mount Ainos (Aenus, Αἶνος) in Kæphallinía (Cephallenia, Κεφαλληνία). (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 10.2.15)

Aiolómorphos - (aeolomorphus; Gr. αἰολόμορφος, ΑΙΟΛΟΜΟΡΦΟΣ. Adj.) capable of changing his form. (Orph. hymn 15.10)

Aithíops - (Aethiops or Ethiops; Gr. Αἰθίοψ, ΑΙΘΙΟΨ. Noun.) Ethiopian; name of Zefs in Aithiopía (Ethiopia, Αἰθιοπία). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Aithír - (aethêr or ethêr; Gr. αἰθήρ, ΑΙΘΗΡ. Noun.) the name used by the poets for Zefs:

τμῆμα 70 Αἰσχύλου:

Ζεύς ἐστί αἰθήρ, Ζεύς δέ γῆ, Ζεῦ δ' οὐρανός, Ζεῦ τοί τό πάντα χώτι τῶν δ' ὑπέρτερον.

"Zefs is Aithír, Zefs is earth, Zefs is the sky: Zefs, mark you, is all that and mightier yet." (trans. by the author) (τμῆμα 70 Αἰσχύλου)

τμῆμα 877 Εὐριπίδου:

ἀλλ' αἰθὴρ τίκτει σε, κόρα,

Ζεὺς ὃς ἀνθρώποις ὀνομάζεται.

"It was Aithír who begot you, maiden,

who is called Zefs by mankind." (trans. by the author)

Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 17:

νοῦς δέ ἀψευδὴς βασιλήϊος ἄφθιτος αἰθήρ

"his mind is kingly truth itself, the immortal Aithír" (trans. by the author)

- The Rhapsodic Theogony describes the evolution of Zefs from Aithír.

Aitnaios - (Aetnaeus; Gr. Αἰτναῖος, ΑΙΤΝΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) Zefs of Mount Aitni (Etna, Αἴτνη). (Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι Πινδάρου 6.96 [sometimes numbered 161])

Aiyíokhos - (aegiochus; Gr. αἰγίοχος, ΑΙΓΙΟΧΟΣ. Adj.) bearing the aiyís (aegis, αἰγίς), the mystic goatskin shield of Zefs and Athiná (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 2.375). After defeating Krónos, Zefs rose up to the Heavens on a she-goat while his two brothers took their seats on Earth (Ploutohn) and in the Sea (Poseidóhn) (Rufinus Recogn. Book 10, Chapter 19)

Aiyύptios - (Egyptius or Aegyptius, Αἰγύπτιος, ΑΙΓΥΠΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs in Egyptian cultus. (Διονυσιακά Νόννου 15.399: Αἰγύπτιος ἀννέφελος Ζεύς "unhidden Egyptian Zefs")

Akraios - (acraeus, Gr. ἀκραῖος, ΑΚΡΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) he who dwells on the heights, a name of Zefs at Smýrna (Σμύρνα) (Inscription 2 BCE: Lois sacrées de L' Asie Mineure, F. Sokolowski, Paris, 1955)

Áltios - (Altius; Gr. Ἄλτιος, ΑΛΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) named after Áltis (Ἄλτις), the sacred grove at Ólymbos (Olympus, Ὄλυμπος). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Amários - (Amarius; Gr. ἀμάριος, ΑΜΑΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) epithet of Zefs and Athiná in Akhaia (Achaea, Αχαΐα) in Arkadía (Ἀρκαδίᾳ). (Hicks Inscr. 1871)

Amarius - See Amários.

Ámmôn - (Gr. Ἄμμων, ΑΜΜΩΝ. Noun.) Zefs is syncretized to the Egyptian God Ámmohn. (Πυθιόνικαι Πινδάρου 4.16)

Ánax - (Gr. ἄναξ, ΑΝΑΞ. Noun.) Zefs is Ánax, the king of all. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 3.351 & 16.233; Πέρσαι Αἰσχύλου 762)

Anchesmius - See Angkhǽzmios.

Angkhǽzmios - (Anchesmius; Gr. Ἀγχέσμιος, ΑΓΧΕΣΜΙΟΣ. Adj.) epithet of Zefs from the hill in Attica named Angkhæzmós (Anchemus, Ἀγχεσμός) where stood a statue of the God. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Ἀττικά 32.2.)

Anxurus - name of Zefs from his temple in a grove at Anxur (modern Terracina) in Campania, Italy, where the God was worshipped as a youth. (On the Aeneid 7.799 Maurus Servius Honoratus)

Apæsándios - (Apesantius; Gr. Ἀπεσάντιος, ΑΠΕΣΑΝΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his temple on Mt. Apǽsas (Apesas, Ἀπέσας, modern Φουκάς), a mountain of the Peloponnesus, near Næmǽa (Nemea, Νεμέα) where Pærséfs (Perseus, Περσεύς) first offered sacrifice to him. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 15.3)

Apêmius - See Apímios.

Apesantius - See Apæsándios.

Aphǽsios - (Aphesius; Gr. Ἀφέσιος, ΑΦΕΣΙΟΣ. Adj. and Noun.) Releaser. During the reign of King Aiakós (Aeacus, Αἰακός), father of Pîléfs (Peleus, Πηλεύς), the Greeks were afflicted by a terrible drought. The king received an oracle summoning him to sacrifice to his father Zefs. When he did so, the God caused rain to fall and end the drought, and on this account, Zefs was called Aphǽsios, the Releaser. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 44.9)

Aphesius - See Aphǽsios.

Áphthitos - (aphthitus; Gr. ἄφθιτος, ΑΦΘΙΤΟΣ. Adj.) imperishable, immortal. (Orphic hymn 15.1)

Apímios - (Apêmius; Gr. Ἀπήμιος, ΑΠΗΜΙΟΣ. Noun.) averter of evil. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 32.2)

Apobatêrius - See Apovatírios.

Apómuios - (Apomuius or Apomius; Gr. Ἀπόμυιος, ΑΠΟΜΥΙΟΣ. Noun/adj.) averter of flies. When Iraklís (Heracles, Ἡρακλῆς) was sacrificing at Olympía (Ὀλυμπία), being much annoyed by flies, he sacrificed to Zefs Apómuios, the averter of flies. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 5 Ἦλις 14.1)

Apomuius – See Apómuios.

Apovatírios - (apobatêrius; Gr. ἀποβατήριος, ΑΠΟΒΑΤΗΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) protector of mariners landing from ships. (Ἀλεξάνδρου Ἀνάβασις Ἀρριανού 1.11.7)

Arbitrator - a name of Zefs at Rome, as invoked in arbitrations. (Inscr. Gud. 7, 5)

Archus apantôn - See Arkhós apándôn.

Argiceraunus - See Aryikǽravnos.

Arkhós apándôn - (archus apantôn; Gr. ἀρχὸς ἁπάντων, ΑΡΧΟΣ ΑΠΑΝΤΩΝ) commander of all things (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 6)

Arsên - See Ársîn.

Ársîn - (arsên; Gr. ἄρσην, ΑΡΣΗΝ. Noun.) male (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 3) Cf. Nýmphî.

Aryikǽravnos - (argiceraunus; Gr. ἀργικέραυνος, ΑΡΓΙΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ. Noun.) bearer of bright lightning. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 19.121; Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] line 1)

Astrapaeus - See Astrapaios.

Astrapaios - (astrapaeus; Gr. ἀστραπαῖος, ΑΣΤΡΑΠΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) wielding lightning. (Περὶ Κόσμου Ἀριστοτέλους 401a 16; Orphic Hymn 15.9)

Atabyrius - See Atavýrios.

Atavýrios - (Atabyrius; Gr. Αταβύριος, ΑΤΑΒΥΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his temple on Mount Atávyris (Atabyris, Ἀτάβυρις) on the isle of Ródos (Rhodes, Ῥόδος). (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 14.2.12)

Áthôös - (Athoös or Athous; Gr. Ἄθῳος, ΑΘΩΙΟΣ. Adj.) of Mount Áthohs (Athos, Ἄθως) (Παρεκβολαὶ εἰς τὴν Ὁμήρου Ἰλιάδα καὶ Ὀδύσσειαν Εὐσταθίου Θεσσαλονίκης ρʹϟʹαʹ [191])

Auxêtês - See Afxîtís.

Avrættînós - (Abrettênus or Abretanus; Gr. Ἀβρεττηνός, ΑΒΡΕΤΤΗΝΟΣ) a name of Zefs in Mysía (Μυσία). (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος p. 574)

Ayítôr - (agêtôr; Gr. ἀγήτωρ, ΑΓΗΤΩΡ. Noun.) leader; a name of Zefs at Spárta (Σπάρτα). (Ἀνάβασις Ξενοφῶντος 13.2)

Baructupus - See Varýktypos.

Basilius - See Vasiléfs.

Belus - See Vílos.

Bemilucius - "a Gaulish God, found in Burgundy, in a village called Ampilli, belonging to the Abbey of Flavigni. The statue of him represents a young man with short hair, covered with a pallium (a type of cloak), fastened to his shoulder, which nevertheless does not hide his nudity: in his right hand he holds a bunch of grapes, and in his left some other fruits, which time has defaced. The inscription is DEOBE MILVCIO VI. There is some difficulty in this inscription; it may either be read Deo Bemilucio VI. in which reading it will be difficult to explain the VI; or we may read DEO BEMILVC IOVI, which will give us a Jupiter of the country of Burgundy. The bunch of grapes agrees well with that country, which abounds in vineyards." (Bell's New Pantheon, 1790)

Biennius - See Viǽnnios.

Brontaeus - See Vrondaios.

Bulaeus - See Voulaios.

Capitolinus - name of Zefs from his temple on the Capitoline, one of the seven hills of Rome. (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Caius Caligula 22, and Tiberius 53))

Cappôtas - See Kappóhtas.

Caraeus - See Karaiós.

Casius - See Kásios.

Cataebatês - See Kataivátis.

Catharsius - See Kathársios.

Cênaeus - See Kínaios.

Cephalê - See Kæphalî.

Caraeus - See Karaios.

Ceraunius - See Kærávnios.

Chamaizêlos Zeus - See Khamaizîlos Diós.

Charidôtês - See Kharidóhtîs.

Charisius - See Kharísios.

Charmôn - See Khármôn.

Chrysaoreus - See Khrysaoréfs.

Cithaerônius - Kithairóhnios.

Clêdonius - See Klîdónios.

Clarius - See Klários.

Conius - Kónios.

Conservator - (Latin) preserver, defender (Inscriptiones Orelli 1225 sq.); his name on the coins of Domitian.

Cosmêtês - See Kozmîtís.

Crataebatês - See Krataivátis.

Crescens - (Latin) name of Zefs depicted on a coin as a child mounted upon a goat (Ἀμάλθεια ?). (Coin with inscription Iovi crescenti and others)

Croceates - Krokæátis.

Cronidês - See Kronídîs.

Croniôn - See Kroníôn.

Cronius - See Krónios.

Ctêsius - See Ktísios.

Custos - (Latin) guardian. (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Domitian 5)

Dapalis - Latin name for Zefs from his presiding over (dapes) sacred feasts. (Marcus Porcius Cato De Re Rusticâ 132)

Den - See Zas.

Depulsor - (Latin) averter of evil, from depello, to push, to defend. (Inscriptiones Orelli 2232 al)

Di - (Gr. Δί, ΔΙ) dative, indeclinable form of Ζεύς.

Dia - (Gr. Δία, ΔΙΑ) accusative, indeclinable form of Ζεύς.

Dictaeus - See Diktaios.

Diespiter - (Latin) father of day. (Quintus Horatius Flaccus [Horace] Ode 1.34.5 & Ode 3.2.29)

Diktaios - (Dictaeus; Gr. Δικταῖος, ΔΙΚΤΑΙΟΣ. Noun.) name of Zefs on Mount Díkti (Dictê, Δίκτη) in Kríti (Crêtë, Κρήτη), where he was reared in the Dictaion Cave (the Σπήλαιο Ψυχρού, which is the Δικταῖον Ἄντρον). (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 10.4.12)

Dijovis - (Latin) the old Italian name for Zefs (Marcus Terentius Varro De Linguâ Latinâ 5 § 66 Müll.; Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae 5.12.1), being a contraction of Deus Jovis, the God Juppiter.

Diós - (Gr. Διός, ΔΙΟΣ. Noun.) genitive, indeclinable form of Ζεύς.

Dôdônaeus - See Dôdônaios.

Dôdônaios - (Dôdônaeus; Gr. Δωδωναῖος, ΔΩΔΩΝΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his oracular sanctuary at Dôdóhna (Dodona, Δωδώνα). (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 16.233)

Dolichaeus - See Dolikhaios.

Dolikhaios - (Dolichaeus or Dolichenus; Gr. Δολιχαῖος, ΔΟΛΙΧΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) at Dolichene, a town of Syria (Ἐθνικά Στεφάνου Βυζαντίου); his worship under this title spread through the Roman Empire in the second and third century of the Common Era.

Dolichenus - See Dolikhaios.

Éfkleios - (Eucleius; Gr. εὔκλειος, ΕΥΚΛΕΙΟΣ. Adj.) of good repute, glorious. (Ἐπινίκιον Βακχυλίδου 1.6)

Egyptius - See Aiyύptios.

Eleusinios - See Ælefsínios.

Eleutherius - See Ælefthǽrios.

Elicius - (Latin) from elicio, to draw down; Zefs being drawn down by prayer. (Livy 1.31)

Endendros - See Ǽndændros.

Ephaptôr - See Æpháptôr.

Epidotês - See Æpidóhtis.

Epiphanês - See Æpiphanís.

Epirnutius - See Æpirnýtios.

Epistius - See Æpístios.

Eribremetês - See Ærivræmǽtîs.

Erigdupus - See Ærígdoupos.

Erôs - See Ǽrôs.

Erros - See Ǽrros.

Ethiops - See Aithíops.

Evánæmos - (evanemus or euanemus; Gr. εὐάνεμος, ΕΥΑΝΕΜΟΣ. Adj. Doric.) invoked to appease the winds. Zefs had a temple under this name at Sparta. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 13.18)

Evanemus - See Evánæmos.

Eucleius - See Éfkleios.

Eurôpaeus - See Evrôpaios.

Evrôpaios - (Eurôpaeus; Gr. Εὐρωπαῖος, ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his flight with Evróhpî (Europa, Εὐρώπη). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Euryopa - See Evrýopa.

Evrýopa - (euryopa; Gr. εὐρύοπα, ΕΥΡΥΟΠΑ. Noun. Homeric title.) wide-eyed. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 16.241; Ὀδύσσεια Ὁμήρου 14.235)

Exacestêrius - See Æxakæstírios.

Expiator - (Latin) the expiator of mankind. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Feretrius - (Latin) name of Zefs from the spoils of Acron, which were consecrated to Juppiter, being carried (fero, "I carry") by Romulus into the city in triumph, suspended on a frame (fere trum). Acron was king of the Cæninenses. (Titus Livy Ab Urbe Condita Libri 1.10.6)

Fidius - (Latin = πίστιος) God of truth and faith. (See entry in Lewis and Short) See Pístios.

Fulgens - (Latin) from his celestial (from fulgo, "I shine") splendor. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Fulgur - (Latin) from his celestial (from fulgo, "I shine") splendor. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Gamêlius - See Gamílios.

Gamílios - (Gamêlius; Gr. Γαμήλιος, ΓΑΜΗΛΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs, presiding over marriages, which were celebrated on the first day of the month of Γαμηλιών (the "marriage month"), being considered as of good omen. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Genethlius - See Yænǽthlios.

Genitor - (Latin) father. (Publius Ovidius Naso, Amores 1.13.45)

Hagnos - See Agnós.

Hecaleius - See Ækáleios.

Hecalêsius - See Ækáleios.

Hecatombaeus - See Ækatómvaios.

Hellanian - See Ællanían.

Hellênius - See Ællínios.

Herceus - See Ærkeios.

Hermonthitês - See Ærmônthítîs.

Homagyrius - See Omayúrios.

Horcius - See Órkios.

Horius - See Órios.

Hospes - (Latin) he who protects hospitality. (Publius Ovidius Naso Metamorphoses 10.224) Cf. Xǽnios.

Hospitalis - (Latin) he who protects hospitality. (Publius Ovidius Naso Metamorphoses 10.224) Cf. Xǽnios.

Hyetius - See Ÿǽtios.

Hymêttius - See Ymíttios.

Hypatus - See Ýpatos.

Hyperpheretês - See Ypærphærǽtis.

Hypsizygus – See Ypsízygos.

Hypsimedôn – See Ypsimǽdôn.

Hystatus - See Ýstatos.

Icesius - See Ikǽsios.

Icmaeus - See Ikmaios.

Idaeus - See Idaios.

Idaios - (Idaeus; Gr. Ἰδαῖος, ΙΔΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) worshipped on Mount Ídî (Ida, Ἴδη). (A Classical Manual, 1833*; See Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 8.170)

Ikǽsios - (icesius; Gr. ἱκέσιος, ΙΚΕΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) protector of suppliants. (Ἱκέτιδες Αἰσχύλου 616)

Ikmaios - (icmaeus; Gr. ἰκμαῖος, ΙΚΜΑΙΟΣ. Noun.) the deity who brings rain. (Ἀργοναυτικά Ἀπολλωνίου Ῥοδίου 2.522; Διονυσιακά Νόννου 5.270)

Ileos - See Ílæos.

Imperator - (Latin) ruler, commander. (Marcus Tulius Cicero Actio in Verrem 2.4.58; Titus Livius Ab Urbe Condita Libri 6.29.8)

Invictus - (Latin) unconquered, invincible.

Iovis - Iovis is the Roman name for Zefs, Anglicized as Jove.

Ithômêtas - See Ithômítas.

Ithômítas - (Ithômêtas; Gr. Ἰθωμήτας, ΙΘΩΜΗΤΑΣ; also Ἰθωμάτας) name of Zefs from Ithóhmî (Ithome, Ἰθώμη), a city in Thæssalía (Thessaly, Θεσσαλία) or Mæssínî (Messênê, Μεσσήνη) (Ἐθνικά Στεφάνου Βυζαντίου) where Zefs is said to have been nursed by the nymphs Ithóhmî and Nǽda (Neda, Νέδα), who gave names, the former to a town, the latter to a river. (A Classical Manual, 1833*; Ἱστορίαι Θουκυδίδου 1.103.2) The Ἰθωμαῖα were games in honor of Zefs in this name. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 4 Μεσσηνία 33.2)

Iupeter - (Also Iupiter and Iuppiter) Roman or Latin name for Zefs; same as Jupiter.

Jove - English name for Zefs, associated with Religio Romano, Anglicized from the Latin Iovis.

Jupiter - Latin name for Zefs. Cf. Iupeter, Juppiter.

Juppiter - Latin name for Zefs. Cf. Iupeter, Jupiter.

Kæphalî - (cephalê; Gr. κεφαλή, ΚΕΦΑΛΗ. Noun.) head (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] line 2)

Kærávnios - (ceraunius; Gr. κεραύνιος, ΚΕΡΑΥΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) wielder of the thunderbolt. (Περὶ Κόσμου Ἀριστοτέλους 401a.17;

Orphic hymn 15.9)

Kappóhtas - (Cappôtas; Gr. Καππώτας, ΚΑΠΠΩΤΑΣ) At Gýtheion (Gythium, Γύθειον) in the Peloponnese, Orǽstis (Orestes, Ὀρέστης), who had gone mad, rested on a large unworked stone and regained his sanity. The stone (possibly a meteor) was then given the name Ζεὺς Καππώτας. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 22.1)

Karaiós - (Caraeus; Gr. Καραιός, ΚΑΡΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) Karian (Carian), name of Zefs in Viôhtía (Boeotia, Βοιωτία) (IG7.3208 [Ὀρχομενός], Ήσύχιος, conjectured by Meineke in Cratinus Comicus 111), or from the (now Turkish) city of Karía (Caria, Καρία) in western Anatolí (Anatolia, Ἀνατολή). (A Classical Manual, 1833*) Cf. Kários.

Kários – (Carius; Gr. Κάριος, ΚΑΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) Karian (Carian), epithet of Zefs in Viôtía (Boeotia, Βοιωτία) and Thæssalía (Thessaly, Θεσσαλία). (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 1.171.6 and 5.66.1) Cf. Karaiós.

Kásios - (Casius; Gr. Κάσιος, ΚΑΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs used on Mount Kásios, at the east of Pilousion (Pelusium, Πηλούσιον) at the boundary between Egypt and Syria, where stood a temple to the God. (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 16.2.33). It was near this place that Typhôn (Τυφῶν) was hidden, the ancient enemy of Zefs.

Kataivátîs - (cataebatês; Gr. καταιβάτης, ΚΑΤΑΙΒΑΤΗΣ. Noun & adj.) he who descends in thunder in lightning. (Εἰρήνη Ἀριστοφάνους 42; Orphic hymn 15.6)

Kathársios - (catharsius; Gr. καθάρσιος, ΚΑΘΑΡΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) the purifying one. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 1.44.2)

Khamaizîlos Diós - (Chamaizêlos Zeus; Χαμαίζηλος Διός, ΧΑΜΑΙΖΗΛΟΣ ΔΙΟΣ. Etym. χαμαί "on the ground" + ζῆλος "desire for," so he likes to be on the Earth) the earthy Zefs, Ζεὺς χθόνιος. (Ὀρφέως Ἀργοναυτικά 931)

Kharidóhtîs - (charidôtês; Gr. χαριδώτης, ΧΑΡΙΔΩΤΙΣ. Dor. χαριδώτας. Noun.) joy-giver. (Plu.2.1048c)

Kharísios - (charisius; Gr. χαρίσιος, ΧΑΡΙΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs, from χάρις "grace, favor." At banquets, libations were made in this name. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Khármôn - (Charmôn; Gr. Χάρμων, ΧΑΡΜΩΝ) one of the names of Zefs in Arcadía (Ἀρκαδία). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδίας 12.1)

Khrysaoréfs - (chrysaoreus; Gr. χρυσαορεύς, ΧΡΥΣΑΟΡΕΥΣ; also χρυσαόριος: hence χρυσαορεῖς, οἱ, of a league formed by his worshippers.) with sword of gold, at Στρατονίκεια. (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 14.2.25)

- name of Zefs from Khrysaorís (Chrysaoris, Χρυσαορὶς), a town of Kilikía (Cilicia, Κιλικία). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Kínaios - (Cênaeus; Gr. Κήναιος, ΚΗΝΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his temple on the headland of Kínaion (Cenaeum, Κήναιον, at Χερσόνησος Λιχάδα) on the isle of Évvia (Euboea, Εὔβοια). According to Sophoklís (Sophocles, Σοφοκλῆς) in the play Trakhíniai (Trachiniae, Τραχίνιαι), Iraklis (Heracles, Ἡρακλῆς) marked out altars in this place and made offerings to Zefs Kínaios. (Τραχίνιαι Σοφοκλέους 237-238)

Kithairóhnios - (Cithaerônius; Gr. Κιθαιρώνιος, ΚΙΘΑΙΡΩΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from Mount Kithairôn (Cithaeron, Κιθαιρών) in Viohtía (Boeotia, Βοιωτία). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 9 Βοιωτία 2.4)

Klários - (Clarius; Gr. Κλάριος, ΚΛΑΡΙΟΣ. Noun & adj.) distributing by lot, a name of Zefs near Tæyǽa (Tegaea, Τεγέα) in Arcadía (Ἀρκαδία); the sons of King Arkás (Arcas, Ἀρκάς) having settled their inheritances by drawing lots in this place. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδία 53.9)

Klîdónios - (Clêdonius; Gr. Κληδόνιος, ΚΛΗΔΟΝΙΟΣ. Adj. = πανομφαῖος) giving an omen. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 8.250)

Kónios - (conius; Gr. κόνιος, ΚΟΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) dusty; name of Zefs at Mǽgara (Megara, Μέγαρα) in Akhäía (Achaia, Αχαΐα), where his temple, being devoid of a roof, was exposed to dust. (Ἑλλάδος ΠεριήγησιςΠαυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 40.6)

Kozmîtís - (cosmêtês; Gr. κοσμητής, ΚΟΣΜΗΤΗΣ. Noun.) orderer, legislator; epithet from Sparta (Σπάρτα). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 17.4)

Krataivátis - (crataebatês; Gr. κραταιβάτης, ΚΡΑΤΑΙΒΑΤΗΣ. Noun.) walking in strength. (Inscriptiones Graecae. vol. i 4.669)

Krokæátîs - (Croceatês; Gr. Κροκεάτης, ΚΡΟΚΕΑΤΗΣ. Noun.) name of Zefs at Krokǽai (Croceae, Κροκέαι), in Lakônía (Laconia, Λακωνία). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 21.4)

Kronídîs - (Cronidês; Gr. Κρονίδης, ΚΡΟΝΙΔΗΣ. Noun.) son of Krónos (Cronus, Κρόνος), this being a major epithet of the God. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 1.498 & 2.111) Cf. Kroníohn and Krónios.

Kroníôn - (Croniôn; Gr. Κρονίων, ΚΡΟΝΙΩΝ. Noun.) son of Krónos (Cronus, Κρόνος), this being a major epithet of the God. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 1.397 & 1.502; Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 20) Cf. Kronídis and Krónios.

Krónios - (Cronius; Gr. Κρόνιος, ΚΡΟΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) son of Krónos (Cronus, Κρόνος), this being a major epithet of the God. (Orphic hymn 15.6; Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης Αἰσχύλου 577; Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι Πινδάρου 2.12)

Ktísios - (ctêsius; Gr. κτήσιος, ΚΤΗΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) protector of the home and property, giver of riches. (Κατά Μειδίου περί του Κονδύλου Δημοσθένους 21.53)

Labrandeus - See Lavrandéfs.

Laphýstios - (laphystius; Gr. λαφύστιος, ΛΑΦΥΣΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) title of Zefs with the Minýæs (Minyans, Μινύες). (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 7.197)

Laphystius - See Laphýstios.

Lapideus - (Latin) name of Zefs, from the stone (lapis) which Krónos swallowed, instead of the infant Zefs. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Larisaeus - See Larisaios.

Larisaios - (Larisaeus; Gr. Λαρισαῖος, ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs from his temple at Lárissa (Λάρισσα), a town of Asia Minor, on the Káÿstros (Cayster, Κάϋστρος) River. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Latialis - name of Zefs, from his being worshipped in Latium. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Latiaris - name of Zefs, from his being worshipped in Latium. (An Elementary Latin Dictionary, Charlton T. Lewis, 1890.)

Latius - name of Zefs, from his being worshipped in Latium. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Lavrandéfs - (labrandeus; Gr. λαβρανδεύς, ΛΑΒΡΑΝΔΕΥΣ; also λαβραδεύς.) epithet of Zefs (αἴτια Ῥωμαϊκά καὶ Ἑλληνικά Πλουτάρχου 301f, 302a). Λάβρυς, in the Karian language, signifies a double-bitten ax; which implement was placed in Zefs' hand, in Karía. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Lefkéfs - (leuceus; Gr. λευκεύς, ΛΕΥΚΕΥΣ) name of Zefs; shining, clear, white; his name at Lǽpræon (Leprium, Λέπρεον), in Ílis (Êlis, Ἦλις). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Leuceus - See Lefkéfs.

Liberator - (Latin) Deliverer. (Tacitus Annales 15.64)

Lucetius - (Latin) light-bringer. (A Latin Dictionary, Lewis and Short, 1879)

Lycaeus - See Lykaios.

Lykaios - (lycaeus; Gr. Λυκαῖος, ΛΥΚΑΙΟΣ. Noun & adj.) Lykaion, Arkadian. (Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι Πινδάρου 9.96; Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 4.203; Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 8.8.2)

Mælissaios - (Melissaeus; Gr. Μελισσαῖος, ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) of bees, epithet of Zefs (Συναγωγὴ Πασῶν Λέξεων κατὰ Στοιχεῖον Ἡσυχίου 718). From Mǽlissa (Melissa, Μέλισσα), the sister of Amáltheia (Ἀμάλθεια), one of his nurses. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Maemactês - See Maimáktîs.

Mǽssa - (messa; Gr. μέσσα, ΜΕΣΣΑ. Adj.) middle (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 2)

Mæssapǽôs - (Messapeus or Messapeôs; Gr. Μεσσαπέως, ΜΕΣΣΑΠΕΩΣ) name of Zefs on a precinct of the plain of the road that leads to Mount Távyæton (Taygetus, Ταύγετον), in Lakônía (Laconia, Λακωνία), named after a priest of that name who served the God. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 20.3)

Maimáktîs - (maemactês; Gr. μαιμάκτης, ΜΑΙΜΑΚΤΗΣ. Noun.) boisterous, epithet of Zefs at Athens. (Περὶ ἀοργησίας Πλουτάρχου 458b) From the Greek month Maimaktîrióhn (Maemactêrium, Μαιμακτηριών); or from a Greek word (μαιμάκτης) signifying furious. Zefs was worshipped under this name, as God of the air, that he might avert storms and intemperate seasons. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Maximus - (Latin) name of Zeus, from his being the greatest of the Gods (Jupiter Optimus Maximus). (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Mêchaneus - See Mîkhanéfs.

Meilichius - See Milíkhios.

Melissaeus - See Mælissaios.

Messa - See Mǽssa.

Messapeus - See Mæssapǽôs.

Metieta - See Mitíæta.

Mêtis - See Mítis.

Mîkhanéfs - (mêchaneus; Gr. μηχανεύς, ΜΗΧΑΝΕΥΣ. Noun.) the contriver or imaginative one; name of Zefs, from a word signifying means or instrument; Zefs being considered as the patron of all undertakings. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 22.2)

Milichius - See Milíkhios.

Milíkhios - (milichius; Gr. μιλίχιος, ΜΙΛΙΧΙΟΣ. Adj.) protector of those who invoked him with propitiatory offerings, at Athens (IG12.866, Ἱστορίαι Θουκυδίδου 1.126, Ἀνάβασις Ξενοφῶντος 7.8.4); at Orchomenus in Boeotia (IG7.3169, BCH50.422 (Thespiae)); in Argolis, (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 20.1).

Minianus - (Latin) name of Zefs, from his statues being painted, on festival days, with (minium) vermilion. (Marcus Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares 9.16.8)

Mirayǽtîs - (Moiragetês; Gr. Μοιραγέτης, ΜΟΙΡΑΓΕΤΗΣ. Noun.) ruler of the Mírai (Moirae or Fates, Μοῖραι) (IG12.80.12, Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 5 Ἦλις 15.5, Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδίας 37.1)

Mitíæta - (metieta; Gr. μητίετα, ΜΗΤΙΕΤΑ. Noun. Ep. for μητιέτης) counsellor, all-wise; freq. in Homer. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 1.175)

Mítis - (Mêtis; Gr. Μῆτις, ΜΗΤΙΣ. Noun.) In Orphic literature, Zefs is sometimes called Μῆτις. (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 9)

Moiragetês - See Mirayǽtîs.

Mórios - (morius; Gr. μόριος, ΜΟΡΙΟΣ. Noun/adj.) name of Zefs, protector of the olive tree, which is sacred to Athena. (Οἰδίπους ἐπὶ Κολωνῷ Σοφοκλέους 705)

Morius - See Mórios.

Næphælîyærǽta - (nephelêgereta; Gr. νεφεληγερέτα, ΝΕΦΕΛΗΓΕΡΕΤΑ. Noun.) cloud-gatherer. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 1.511)

Nemétôr - (Gr. νεμέτωρ, ΝΕΜΕΤΩΡ. Noun.) avenger, administer of justice. (Ἑπτὰ ἐπὶ Θήβας Αἰσχύλου 485)

Nephelêgereta - See Næphælîyærǽta.

Nicaeus - See Nikaios.

Nicêphorus - See Nikîphóros.

Nikaios - (nicaeus; Gr. νικαῖος, ΝΙΚΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) Zefs the victorious. (Νεμέαν Ζεὺς νικαῖος Ῥωμαϊκὴ Ἱστορία Δίωνος Κασσίου 47.40.2)

Nikîphóros - (nicêphorus; Gr. νικηφόρος, ΝΙΚΗΦΟΡΟΣ. Adj.) he who carries victory. (Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία Φλαβίου Ἰώσηπου 19.4.3 [248])

Nómios - (nomius; Gr. νόμιος, ΝΟΜΙΟΣ. Adj.) he who distributes, the generous one. This epithet usually means "pastoral," but here explained from νέμω, "to deal out, dispense." (Ἀρχύτας ὁ Ταραντίνος as quoted in Ἰωάννης ὁ Στοβαῖος) "Ζεὺς τά τε καὶ τὰ νέμει" "Zefs distributes both good and bad." (Ἰσθμιόνικαι Πινδάρου 5 (4).52)

Nomius - See Nómios.

Nymphê - See Nýmphî.

Nýmphî - (nymphê or nymph; Gr. νύμφη, ΝΥΜΦΗ. Noun.) female. (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 3) The word νύμφη usually means "maiden," "young wife," or "Nymph," but the text is using the word poetically to designate "female," for in the phrase just before it, Zefs is called male (ἄρσην). Cf. Ársîn.

Olýmpios - (Olympius; Gr. Ὀλύμπιος, ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟΣ. Adj.) the name of Zefs at Olympía (Olympia, Ὀλυμπία), who is often referred to simply by the epithet. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 18.79 and 22.130; Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι Ἡσιόδου 474; Ἱστορίαι Θουκυδίδου 2.15.4)

Olympius - See Olýmpios.

Omayúrios - (homagyrius; Gr. ὁμαγύριος, ΟΜΑΓΥΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) presiding over public assemblies; his name at Aiyion (Aegium, Αἴγιον) a town on the Corinthian isthmus. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 7 Ἀχαΐας 24.2)

Ombrimothymus - See Omvrimóthymos.

Omvrimóthymos - (ombrimothymus; Gr. ὀμβριμόθυμος, ΟΜΒΡΙΜΟΘΥΜΟΣ = ὀβριμόθυμος.) doughty, indomitable. (Orphic hymn 15.6; Kern Orphic Fragment 169.12)

Órios - (horius; Gr. ὅριος, ΟΡΙΟΣ. Adj.) guardian of boundaries and landmarks. (Νόμοι Πλάτωνος 842e)

Optimus Maximus - (Latin) name of Zeus, as being the best and greatest; the epithet most commonly applied to him by the Romans; (A Classical Manual, 1833*) as in the temple of the same name in ancient Rome.

Órkios - (horcius; Gr. ὅρκιος, ΟΡΚΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs as presiding over the solemnity of oaths. (Ἱππόλυτος Εὐριπίδου 1025; Φιλοκτήτης Σοφοκλέους 1324)

Ouránios - (Uranius; Gr. Οὐράνιος, ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) dwelling in the heavens. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 6.56)

Pælasyikós - (Pelasgicus; Gr. Πελασγικός, ΠΕΛΑΣΓΙΚΟΣ) Pelasgian. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 16.233) name of Zefs at Dôdóhna (Dodona, Δωδώνα), where the oracle is said by some to have been founded by the Pelasgians. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Paián - (Paeon; Gr. παιάν, ΠΑΙΑΝ. Noun. Pronounced pay-AHN.) physician, healer, savior, deliverer; of Zefs at Rhodes. (Ήσύχιος)

Panámaros - (Gr. Πανάμαρος, ΠΑΝΑΜΑΡΟΣ; also Πανήμερος and Πανημέριος. Adj.) title of Zefs in Caria, hence Παναμάρεια, his festival. (Inscription Car. in Corpus Inscriptionum 27.19-21; Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 4.263.3)

Panarius - name of Zefs, The most common meaning of panarius is bread-seller; it derives from the Latin panis (bread). When the Romans were besieged in the Capitol by the Gauls, Zefs directed the Romans to throw down bread, that the enemy might suppose them to be well stored with provisions. (A Classical Manual, 1833*; Dictionarium antiquitatum Romanarum et Graecarum, Pierre Danat, 1698, the entry for Forum.) See also Pistor.

Panællínios - (panhellênius; Gr. πανελλήνιος, ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ. Noun.) name of Zefs as being the chief God and protector of all the Greeks (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 18.9 & 44.9; ἙλλάδοςΠεριήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 29.8), by extension in modern times, one could view him as chief God and protector of all those who worship the Gods.

Pancrates - See Panggratís.

Pandotináktîs - (pantotinactês; Gr. παντοτινάκτης, ΠΑΝΤΟΤΙΝΑΚΤΗΣ. Noun.) shaker of everything. (Orph.H.15.8)

Pandoyǽnæthlos - (pantogenethlos; Gr. παντογένεθλος, ΠΑΝΤΟΓΕΝΕΘΛΟΣ. Adj.) all-generating, father of all, Ζεύς (Orph.H.15.7)

Panggratís - (pancratês; Gr. παγκρατής, ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΗΣ. Adj.) all-powerful, epith. of Zefs. (Ἑπτὰ ἐπὶ Θήβας Αἰσχύλου 255; Ὀρέστεια Εὐμενίδες Αἰσχύλου 918)

Panhellênius - See Panællínios.

Panomphaeus – See Panomphaios.

Panomphaios - (panomphaeus; Gr. πανομφαῖος, ΠΑΝΟΜΦΑΙΟΣ. Noun.) he who is the source of all-prophecy (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 8.286-7 in Fagles; 8.250 in Murray and Lattimore; Ὀρφέως Ἀργοναυτικά 660) a word signifying that Zefs is the source of every voice or oracle upon earth; or, that the rest of the globe derived their prophetic skill from him. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Panoptês - See Panóptîs.

Panóptîs - (panoptês; Gr. πανόπτης, ΠΑΝΟΠΤΗΣ. Noun.) name of Zefs meaning all-seeing. (Ὀρέστεια Εὐμενίδες Αἰσχύλου 1045; Kern Orphic frag. 170)

Pantogenethlos - See Pandoyǽnæthlos.

Pantotinactês - See Pandotináktîs.

Papaeus - See Papaios - (Papaeus; Gr. Παπαῖος, ΠΑΠΑΙΟΣ. Noun.) proposed meaning: all-Father, name of Zefs among the Scythians. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 4.59)

Parnêthius - See Parnîthios.

Parnîthios - (Parnêthius; Gr. Παρνήθιος, ΠΑΡΝΗΘΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs on Mount Párnîs (Parnês, Πάρνης), in Attica (Αττική). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 32.2)

Pasiánax - (Gr. Πασιάναξ, ΠΑΣΙΑΝΑΞ. Noun.) universal king, Ζεύς (Oracle quoted in Phlegon Trallianus Paradoxographus 1.6 J. : applied to the ruler of the dead, and hence to the dead, Tab. Defix. Aud. 43, 44, as noted in Liddell & Scott)

Patêr - See Patír.

Patír - (patêr; Gr. πατήρ, ΠΑΤΗΡ. Noun.) father, especially as epithet of Zefs: πατὴρ Ζεύς, πατὴρ Κρονίδης, πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 4.235, 21.508, 1.544; Ἑπτὰ ἐπὶ Θήβας Αἰσχύλου 512; etc.)

Pelasgicus - See Pælasyikós.

Peninus - according to some, a name of Zefs among the Gauls. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Phanaeus - See Phanaios.

Phanaios - (phanaeus; Gr. φαναῖος, ΦΑΝΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) giving or bringing light, of Zefs (Ῥῆσος Εὐριπίδου 355)

Phílios - (philius; Gr. φίλιος, ΦΙΛΙΟΣ. Adj.) protector of friendship, from his temple within the precinct of Dîmítîr (Demeter, Δημήτηρ) at Mægalópolis (Megalopolis, Μεγαλόπολις) in Arkadía (Αρκαδία). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδίας 31.4)

Philius - See Phílios.

Phytálios - (phytalius; Gr. φυτάλιος, ΦΥΤΑΛΙΟΣ. Adj.) the nourishing one: Ζεύς (Orph.H.15.9)

Phytalius - See Phytálios.

Phytálmios - (phytalmius; Gr. φυτάλμιος, ΦΥΤΑΛΜΙΟΣ. Adj.) the nourishing one. (Ἡσύχιος)

Phytalmius - See Phytálmios.

Phýxios - (phyxius; Gr. φύξιος, ΦΥΞΙΟΣ. Adj.) epithet of Zefs), expressive of his being the tutelary deity of fugitives. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 21.2; Βιβλιοθήκη Ἀπολλοδώρου 1.9.1)

Phyxius - See Phýxios.

Pisaeus - (Pisaeus; Gr. Πισαῖος, ΠΙΣΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs at Písa (Πῖσα), in Ílis (Elis, Ἦλις, modern Ήλιδα). (A Classical Manual, 1833*; τμῆμα Καλλιμάχου 76.2)

Pístios - (pistius; Gr. πίστιος, ΠΙΣΤΙΟΣ. Noun. = Latin: fidius) God of truth and faith. (Ῥωμαϊκὴ Ἀρχαιολογία Διονυσίου Ἁλικαρνασσέως 4.58.4) See Fidius.

Pistius - See Pístios.

Pistor - (Latin) name of Zefs from the word meaning baker. When the Romans were besieged in the Capitol by the Gauls, Zefs directed the Romans to throw down loaves, that the enemy might suppose them to be well stored with provisions. (Publius Ovidius Naso, Fasti 6.350)

Plousios - (plusius; Gr. πλούσιος, ΠΛΟΥΣΙΟΣ. Adj.) opulent, he who bestows riches, at Spárta (Σπάρτα). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 3 Λακωνία 19.7)

Ploutodótîs - (plutodotês; Gr. πλουτοδότης, ΠΛΟΥΤΟΔΟΤΗΣ. Noun.) giver of riches. (Orph.H.73.4)

Plusius - See Plousios.

Plutodotês - See Ploutodótis.

Pluvius - (Latin) name of Zefs, as being the God of (pluvia) rain. (Albius Tibullus 1, 8(7), 26)

Poliéfs - (polieus; Gr. πολιεύς, ΠΟΛΙΕΥΣ. Noun.) Zefs the protector of the city, a name by which he was invoked in the festival of Diipóleia (Διιπόλεια). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 24.4) Cf. Poliouchos.

Polieus - See Poliéfs.

Poliouchos - (poliuchus; Gr. πολιοῦχος, ΠΟΛΙΟΥΧΟΣ. Adj.) Zefs the protector of the City, a name by which he was invoked in the festival of Diipóleia (Διιπόλεια). (Νόμοι Πλάτωνος 921c) Cf. Poliéfs.

Poliuchus - See Poliouchos.

Polytimêtus - See Polytímitos.

Polytímîtos - (polytimêtus; Gr. πολυτίμητος, ΠΟΛΥΤΙΜΗΤΟΣ. Adj.) the highly honored one. (Πεντέμυχος Φερεκύδου 166.1; Orphic hymn 15.1)

Praestes - (Latin) protector, guardian. (Inscriptiones Gruteri 22.1)

Prodigialis - (Latin) averter of bad omens, prodigious. (Titus Maccius Plautus, Amphitruo 2.2.109)

Próhtos - (prôtus; Gr. πρῶτος, ΠΡΩΤΟΣ. Adj.) first (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 1)

Propátôr - (Gr. προπάτωρ, ΠΡΟΠΑΤΩΡ. Noun.) first founder, primordial father, grandfather; "Ζεὺς προπάτωρ ἐμὸς ἔσχε κασιγνήτης λέχος Ἥρης" (Διονυσιακά Νόννου 4.58); "ὦ Ζεῦ, προγόνων προπάτωρ." (Αἴας Σοφοκλέους 387)

Prôtus - See Próhtos.

Pulverulentus - (Latin) word meaning dusty, the name of a statue of Zefs in an unroofed temple at Megara. See Kónios. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Pyrphóros - (pyrphorus; Gr. πυρφόρος, ΠΥΡΦΟΡΟΣ. Adj.) the fire-bearer, lord of lightning. (Φιλοκτήτης Σοφοκλέους 1198)

Pyrphorus - See Pyrphóros.

Ruminus - (Latin) nourisher of all things. (Aurelius Augustinus De Civitate Dei 7.11)

Sabazius - See Savázios.

Salutaris - (Latin = Ζεὺς Σωτήρ) the giver of (salus) health and safety. (A Classical Manual, 1833*) "Jovem cum Optimum et Maximum dicimus, cumque eundem Salutarem Hospitalem. Statorem: hoc intellegi volumus, salutem hominum in ejus esse tutelā" (Sextus Pompeius Festus p. 326)

Sator - (Latin) father of the universe. (Marcus Tullius Cicero poët. Tusculanae Disputationes 2.9.21)

Savázios - (Sabazius; Gr. Σαβάζιος, ΣΑΒΑΖΙΟΣ. Noun.) Phrygian name for Zefs. Σαβἀζιος is a name of Diónysos, but in Orphic hymn 48, Savázios is Zefs. In line 1 he is called the son of Krónos: Κρόνου υἱέ. In lines 2 and 3 Savázios is said to sew Diónysos into his leg: ὃς Βάκχον Διόνυσον ἐρίβρομον, εἰραφιώτην μηρῷ ἐγκατέραψας. Therefore, Σαβἀζιος, in this hymn can be no other deity than Zefs himself.

Scêptuchus - See Skîptoukhos.

Seisichthôn - See Seisíkhthohn.

Seisíkhthôn - (seisichthôn; Gr. σεισίχθων, ΣΕΙΣΙΧΘΩΝ. Noun.) earth-shaker. (Orph.H.15.8)

Serenus - (Latin) the serene one (Inscr. Murat. 1978, 5)

Skîptoukhos - (scêptuchus; Gr. σκηπτοῦχος, ΣΚΗΠΤΟΥΧΟΣ. Adj.) he who bears the scepter (Orphic hymn 15.6)

Sosêpolis – See Sôsípolis.

Sôsípolis - (sosêpolis; Gr. σωσίπολις, ΣΩΣΙΠΟΛΙΣ. Noun.) savior of the city. (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 14.1.41)

Sôtír - ( sôtêr ; Gr. σωτήρ, ΣΩΤΗΡ. Noun.) saviour, deliverer (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 8 Ἀρκαδίας 9.2); epith. of Ζεύς; to whom persons after a safe voyage offered sacrifice (Δίφιλος Σινώπη 43.24); there was often a temple of Ζεὺς Σωτήρ at harbors, e.g. the Piraeus (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 9.1.15); to Ζεὺς Σωτήρ the third cup of wine was dedicated “τρίτον Σωτῆρι σπένδειν” (Ἰσθμιόνικαι Πινδάρου 6.8); “τρίτην Διὸς Σωτῆρος εὐκταίαν λίβα” (τμῆμα Αἰσχύλου 55); to drink this cup became a symbol of good luck, and the third time came to mean the lucky time, "τρίτος ἦλθέ ποθεν--σωτῆρ᾽ ἢ μόρον εἴπω" (Ὀρέστεια Χοηφóροι Αἰσχύλου 1073); and Zefs was himself called τρίτος σωτήρ: "Παλλάδος καὶ Λοξίου ἕκατι καὶ τοῦ πάντα κραίν οντος τρίτου σωτῆρος” (Ὀρέστεια Εὐμενίδες Αἰσχύλου 760). (Derived from the entry for σωτήρ in Liddell & Scott Lexicon)

Sôtêr - See Sôtír.

Stabilitor - (Latin) Roman name of Zefs, as being the supporter of the world. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Stator - (Latin) supporter, protector (Elementary Lewis); a name given to Jupiter by Romulus, for having (sisto, I stop) stopped the flight of the Romans in a battle against the Sabines. (A Classical Manual, 1833*)

Stæropîyærǽtîs - (steropêgeretês; Gr. στεροπηγερέτης, ΣΤΕΡΟΠΗΓΕΡΕΤΗΣ. Noun.) he who rouses or gathers lightning. (παρεκβολαὶ εἰς τὴν Ὁμήρου Ἰλιάδα Εὐσταθίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου Θεσσαλονίκης Ῥαψῳδία Π. Vs. 295)

Steropêgeretês - See Stæropîyærǽtîs.

Sthǽnios - (sthenius; Gr. σθένιος, ΣΘΕΝΙΟΣ. Noun.) the mighty one. (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 32.7 and 34.6)

Sthenius - See Sthǽnios.

Stratíos - (stratius; Gr. στρατίος, ΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) of the armies. (Ἱστορίαι Ἡροδότου 5.119)

Stratius - See Stratíos.

Synǽstios - (synestius; Gr. συνέστιος, ΣΥΝΕΣΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) guardian of the hearth. (Ὀρέστεια Ἀγαμέμνων Αἰσχύλου 703)

Synestius - See Synǽstios.

Tælæsiourgós - (telesiurgus; Gr. τελεσιουργός, ΤΕΛΕΣΙΟΥΡΓΟΣ. Noun.) he who brings things to perfection and completion; τελεσθεὶς Διὶ τελεσιουργός (Milet.: Sechster (siebenter) vorläufiger Bericht über die in Milet und Didyma unternommenen Ausgrabungen, Abh. Berl. Akad. 1908 Anhang I, 1911 Anh. I. 7.16 (i B.C.))

Tǽleios - (teleius; Gr. τέλειος, ΤΕΛΕΙΟΣ. Adj.) perfect, all-powerful. (Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι 13 Πινδάρου 115)

Tæmænítîs - (temenitês; Gr. τεμενίτης, ΤΕΜΕΝΙΤΗΣ. Noun.) of the τέμενος (the τέμενος is a piece of protected land dedicated to a God); of Zefs at Amorgós (Αμοργός) (Inscriptiones Graecae 12(7).62.37 (iv B.C.)).

Teleius - See Tǽleios.

Telesiurgus - See Tælæsiourgós.

Temenites - See Tæmænítis.

Thæmístios - (Themistius; Gr. Θεμίστιος, ΘΕΜΙΣΤΙΟΣ. Noun.) patron of right (περὶ τῶν κοινῶν ἐννοιῶν πρὸς τοὺς Στωϊκούς Πλουτάρχου 1065e).

Themistius - See Thæmístios.

Tin, Tinia, Tina - Etruscan names for Zefs.

Tina, Tin, Tinia - Etruscan names for Zefs.

Tinia, Tina, Tin - Etruscan names for Zefs.

Trióphthalmos - (triophthalmus; Gr. τριόφθαλμος, ΤΡΙΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΣ. Noun.) three-eyed, that he rules the heavens, the earth, and the sea, that the three eyes are the three brothers: Zefs (Zefs of the Heavens), Ploutôn (Zefs of the Earth), and Poseidóhn (Zefs of the Sea). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 2 Ἀργολίς 24.4)

Tropaeuchus - See Tropaioukhos.

Tropaeus - See Tropaios.

Tropaios - (tropaeus; Gr. τροπαῖος, ΤΡΟΠΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) he who turns, changes events, bestowing victory. (Ἀντιγόνη Σοφοκλέους 143)

Tropaioukhos - (tropaeuchus; Gr. τροπαίουχος, ΤΡΟΠΑΙΟΥΧΟΣ. Adj.) to whom trophies are dedicated. (Περὶ οὐρανοῦ Ἀριστοτέλους 401a.23)

Trophóhnios - (Trophônius; Gr. Τροφώνιος, ΤΡΟΦΩΝΙΟΣ. Noun.) for his oracle at Lævádeia (Lebadeia, Λεβάδεια) in Viôtía (Boeotia, Βοιωτία), where, to consult this oracle one descended into a cavern. (Γεωγραφικά Στράβωνος 9.2.38) It is unclear from the literature if Trophóhnios is hero or a Zefs Χθόνιος. A personage named Trophóhnios is said to have built the sanctuary of Dælphí (Delphi, Δελφοί).

Trophônius - See Trophóhnios.

Uranius - See Ouránios.

Varýktypos - (baructupus; Gr. βαρύκτυπος, ΒΑΡΥΚΤΥΠΟΣ. Adj.) loud-thundering. (Ὕμνος 2 Εις Δίμητραν 3, Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι Ἡσιόδου 79, Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι 1 Πινδάρου 72)

Vasiléfs - (basileus; Gr. βασιλεύς, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ. Noun, nom. singular.) king (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 5; Orphic hymn 15.3) He is the king and father of Gods and men (Πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε Θεῶν τε), indeed, he is the king of kings in the entire universe and every universe; he is the king and father of everything.

Viǽnnios - (Biennius; Gr. Βιέννιος, ΒΙΕΝΝΙΟΣ. Adj.) name of Zefs derived from Viǽnnos (Biennus, Βιέννος), one of the Kourítæs (Curetes, Κουρῆτες). (Ἐθνικά Στεφάνου Βυζαντίου 168.16)

Victor - (Latin) Zeus the conqueror, the victorious one. (Inscription Grut. 23, 8 sq.)

Voulaios - (Bulaeus; Gr. βουλαῖος, ΒΟΥΛΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) of the council, his statue being in the chamber of the council. (Περὶ τοῦ χορευτοῦ Ἀντιφῶντος του Ῥαμνουσίου 6.45).

Vrondaios - (Brontaeus; Gr. βρονταῖος, ΒΡΟΝΤΑΙΟΣ. Adj.) thundering (Orph.H.15.9)

Xǽnios - (xenius; Gr. ξένιος, ΞΕΝΙΟΣ. Adj. Etym. ξένος "stranger," therefore, Zefs is the God who protects strangers.) presiding over hospitality, the hospitable one. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 13.625, Ὀδύσσεια Ὁμήρου 9.271) Cf. Æpístios.

Xenius - See Xǽnios.

Yænǽthlios - (genethlius; Gr. γενέθλιος, ΓΕΝΕΘΛΙΟΣ. Adj.) ancestor of one's family (Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι Πινδάρου 8.16), father of one's family (Πυθιόνικαι Πινδάρου 4.167).

Ÿǽtios - (hyetius; Gr. ὑέτιος, ΥΕΤΙΟΣ. Adj. Pronunciation: ee-EH-tee-ohs) rain-bringing, rainy (Περὶ Κόσμου Ἀριστοτέλους 401a18). "καὶ τότε γαῖαν ἅπασαν ἐπέκλυσεν ὑέτιος Ζεὺς - and then rainy Zefs flooded all the earth" (Διονυσιακά Νόννου 6.229, also 6.321)

Ymíttios - (Hymêttius, Gr. Ὑμήττιος, ΥΜΗΤΤΙΟΣ. Adj.) his name from Mount Ymîttós (Hymettus, Ὑμηττός). (Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 32.2)

Ypærphærǽtîs - (hyperpheretês; Gr. ὑπερφερέτης, ΥΠΕΡΦΕΡΕΤΗΣ. Noun. = Lat. Jupiter Feretrius) the supreme one (Ῥωμαϊκὴ Ἀρχαιολογία Διονυσίου του Ἁλικαρνασσέως 2.34).

Ýpatos - (hypatus; Gr. ὕπατος, ΥΠΑΤΟΣ. Adj. θεοὶ ὕπατοι the Gods above, opp. οἱ χθόνιο) highest, supreme of all the Gods. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 19.258, Ὀδύσσεια Ὁμήρου 1.45; Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου, Book 1 Αττική 26.5)

Ypsimǽdôn - (hypsimedôn; Gr. ὑψιμέδων, ΥΨΙΜΕΔΩΝ. Noun.) he who rules from on high (Διονυσιακά Νόννου 7.280; Θεογονία Ἡσιόδου 529)

Ypsízygos - (ypsizygus; Gr. ὑψίζυγος, ΥΨΙΖΥΓΟΣ. Adj.) throned on high. (Ἰλιάς Ὁμήρου 4.166 & 7.69; Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι Ἡσιόδου 18)

Ypsizygus – See Ypsízygos.

Ýstatos - (hystatus; Gr. ὕστατος, ΥΣΤΑΤΟΣ. Adj.) last (Orphic Rhapsodic Hymn to Zefs [Orphic frag. 168] Line 1)

Zas - (Gr. Ζὰς, ΖΑΣ. Noun.) Ζὰς is the name for Ζεύς used by the philosopher Phærækýdis (Pherecydes, Φερεκύδης) of Sýros (Σύρος) in his Kozmogonía (Cosmogony, Κοσμογονία). In this (mostly lost) kozmogony (according to ἀπορίαι καὶ λύσεις περὶ τῶν πρώτων ἀρχῶν Δαμασκίου 124b, as well as other sources), Zas is one of three primordial divine principles, the other two being Khthoní (Chthonie or Earth, Χθονί) and Khrónos (Chronos or Time, Χρόνος). According to Irôdianós (Herodian, Ἡρωδιανός) in Περὶ μονήρους λέξεως 6, 14-16 (at least this text implies such), Phærækýdis used other names for Zefs including Δὶς, Ζὴν, Δὴν, and Ζὴς.

Zef - (Zeu; Gr. Ζεῦ, ΖΕΥ. Noun.) Ζεῦ is the vocative indeclinable form of Ζεύς.

ZEFS - (Zeus; Gr. Ζεύς, ΖΕΥΣ. Noun. Pronunciation: the diphthong ευ, when found before a consonant, is pronounced like the English "ĕf.")

- Ζεύς, , nom., once written Ζηύς; Boeot. Δεύς; voc. Ζεῦ ; gen. Διός (archaic: Διϝός); dat. Διί (archaic: Διϝί); late Δεΐ ; acc. Δία, rarer than Διός, Διί in Hom.: also nom. Ζήν; gen. dat. acc. Ζηνός, Ζηνί, Ζῆνα, freq. in Trag. (Com. only in Trag. phrases); Coan Ζηνί ; acc. Ζῆν Il.8.206, 14.265, Hes.Th.884, at end of verse, before vowel in next verse; Cret. Ττηνός, Ττηνί, Τῆνα, Τηνί, Δῆνα ; nom. Δήν:—Dor. and Att.-Ion. forms with α (of doubtful origin), nom. Ζάν Pythag.; gen. Ζανός ; Ζανός and Ζανί; acc. Ζᾶνα Call. Fr. ; nom. Ζάς Pherecyd. (Ζής), Ζάς Ζαντός in Theod.1.116; Δάν (q. v.); Τάν (Crete); nom. Δίς:—obl. cases Ζεός, Ζεΐ, Ζέα; Ζεῦν f.l. for Ζῆν' : the pl. Δίες, Δίας, Διῶν, Δισί;τοὺς κτησίους Δίας; Δίες καὶ Ζῆνες Stoic.2.191; Elean Ζᾶνες Paus.5.21.2:— Zeus, the Sky-God. II. of other deities, Ζ. καταχθόνιος,= Πλούτων; Ζ. χθόνιος; of non-Greek divinities, Ζ. Ἄμμων; freq. of Semitic Baalim, Z. Βεελβώσωρος, etc.; Z. Ὠρομάσδης,= Pers. Ahuramazda. III. Διὸς ἀστήρ the planet Jupiter; Διὸς ἡμέρα a day of the week. IV. Pythag. name for the monad. (Greek English Lexicon Liddell & Scott, 1843)

Zen - See Zas.

Zes - See Zas.

Zeus - See ZEFS.

Zin - See Zas.

Zis - See Zas.

See also the main page on this deity: Zeus

* Full Title: A CLASSICAL MANUAL, being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical, Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's Æneid of Virgil: with a copious Index. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1833. No author is given.

The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Theogony.

We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.

Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.

Introduction to the Thæí (the Gods): The Nature of the Gods.

How do we know there are Gods? Experiencing Gods.

This logo is the principal symbol of this website. It is called the CESS logo, i.e. the Children of the Earth and the Starry Sky. The Pætilía (Petelia, Πετηλία) and other golden tablets having this phrase (Γῆς παῖς εἰμί καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος) are the inspiration for the symbol. The image represents this idea: Earth (divisible substance) and the Sky (continuous substance) are the two kozmogonic substances. The twelve stars represent the Natural Laws, the dominions of the Olympian Gods. In front of these symbols is the seven-stringed kithára (cithara, κιθάρα), the lyre of Apóllôn (Apollo, Ἀπόλλων). It (here) represents the bond between Gods and mortals and is representative that we are the children of Orphéfs (Orpheus, Ὀρφεύς).

PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the pages of this website, you will find fascinating stories about our Gods. These narratives are known as mythology , the traditional stories of the Gods and Heroes. While these tales are great mystical vehicles containing transcendent truth, they are symbolic and should not be taken literally. A literal reading will frequently yield an erroneous result. The meaning of the myths is concealed in code. To understand them requires a key. For instance, when a God kills someone, this usually means a transformation of the soul to a higher level. Similarly, sexual union with a God is a transformation.

The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Theogony.

We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.

Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.

SPELLING: HellenicGods.org uses the Reuchlinian method of pronouncing ancient Greek, the system preferred by scholars from Greece itself. An approach was developed to enable the student to easily approximate the Greek words. Consequently, the way we spell words is unique, as this method of transliteration is exclusive to this website. For more information, visit these three pages:

Pronunciation of Ancient Greek

Transliteration of Ancient Greek

Pronouncing the Names of the Gods in Hellenismos

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