For links to many more fragments: The Orphic Fragments of Otto Kern.
SUMMARY: This testimony, from the geographer Pausanias, talks of the relationship between beans and the Mysteries.
Ἑλλάδος Περιήγησις Παυσανίου 1.37.4 (Αττική):
ὠικοδόμηται δὲ κατὰ τὴν ὁδὸν ναὸς οὐ μέγας καλούμενος Κυαμίτου· σαφὲς δὲ οὐδὲν ἔχω λέγειν εἴτε πρῶτος κυάμους ἔσπειρεν οὗτος εἴτε τινὰ ἐπεφήμισαν (ἐπεφήμισαν Hemsterhuis] ἐπεφήμησαν [ἐπευφήμησαν y] ) ἥρωα, ὅτι τῶν κυάμων ἀνενεγκεῖν οὐκ ἔστι σφίσιν ἐς Δήμητρα τὴν εὕρεσιν. ὅστις δὲ ἤδη τελετὴν Ἐλευσῖνι εἶδεν ἢ τὰ καλούμενα Ὀρφικὰ (v. nr. 216 τοῖσι καλεομένοισι καὶ Βακχικοῖσι) ἐπελέξατο, οἶδεν ὃ λέγω.
“On the road stands a small temple called that of Cyamites (ed. “Bean”). I cannot state for certain whether he was the first to sow beans, or whether they gave this name to a hero because they may not attribute to Demeter the discovery of beans. Whoever has been initiated at Eleusis or has read what are called the Orphica knows what I mean.”
(trans. W. H. S. Jones, 1918)
Before ὕμνος Ὀρφέως 26 Γῆς these words can be observed:
θυμίαμα*, πᾶν σπέρμα, πλὴν κυάμων καὶ ἀρωμάτων.
“Incense*: all seeds, except beans and aromatic herbs.”
*For those unfamiliar with the Orphic hymns, immediately before the first line of most of the hymns, there is a suggestion as to which incense to offer.
On the religious obligation concerning beans see Christian Lobeck Aglaophamus I 251, Richard Wuensch Frühlingsfest der Insel Malta 32 and P. II s. Καθαρμοὶ “Purifications.”
On the temples of the Mysteries (ἱεροὶ οἶκοι “sacred temples”) see v. Otto Kern Orpheus 25 n. 3.
The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Theogony.
We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.
Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.
Introduction to the Thæí (the Gods): The Nature of the Gods.
How do we know there are Gods? Experiencing Gods.
This logo is the principal symbol of this website. It is called the CESS logo, i.e. the Children of the Earth and the Starry Sky. The Pætilía (Petelia, Πετηλία) and other golden tablets having this phrase are the inspiration for the symbol. The image represents this idea: Earth (divisible substance) and the Sky (continuous substance) are the two kozmogonic substances. The twelve stars represent the Natural Laws, the dominions of the Olympian Gods. In front of these symbols is the seven-stringed kithára (cithara, κιθάρα), the the lyre of Apóllôn (Apollo, Ἀπόλλων). It (here) represents the bond between Gods and mortals and is representative that we are the children of Orphéfs (Orpheus, Ὀρφεύς).
PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the pages of this website, you will find fascinating stories about our Gods. These narratives are known as mythology, the traditional stories of the Gods and Heroes. While these tales are great mystical vehicles containing transcendent truth, they are symbolic and should not be taken literally. A literal reading will frequently yield an erroneous result. The meaning of the myths is concealed in code. To understand them requires a key. For instance, when a God kills someone, this usually means a transformation of the soul to a higher level. Similarly, sexual union with a God is a transformation.
We know the various qualities and characteristics of the Gods based on metaphorical stories: Mythology.
Dictionary of terms related to ancient Greek mythology: Glossary of Hellenic Mythology.
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Pronunciation of Ancient Greek
Transliteration of Ancient Greek
Pronouncing the Names of the Gods in Hellenismos
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